- of 18 million population before war, 500.000 syrians die, over 6 million internally displaced, 5 million have fled the country.
- where there is no law there is no liberty.
- united arab ermirates gives out gender equality awards every year - everyone of them goes to a man! the first place in world to grant female suffrage was Wyoming in 1869, earning the nickname the equality state.
- the state could not dominate society, society could not dominate state either. proggres by each was met with resistance and innovation by the other.
- america in many ways was society of smallholders, nurturing both economic and political aspirations. norms of unwilling to accept despotic authority and ready to erupt into a rebellion.
- stateless socities have developed norms and practices not just to control conflict but also prevent anybody from getting too strong.
- sustained growth not just secure property rights, trade and investments but more critically innovation and continual productivity improvemets.
- when the people are weak, the state is strong; hence the state strives to weaken the people.
- Hobbes argues that a strong state (the Leviathan) is necessary to prevent societal chaos. Acemoğlu and Robinson challenge this, suggesting that liberty exists in a "narrow corridor" between an overly strong state (which leads to authoritarianism) and a weak state (which leads to anarchy). In this metaphor, society must be strong enough to keep the state in check, and the state must be strong enough to maintain order.
- Turkey under President Erdoğan is used as an example of a country where the state has become increasingly authoritarian, undermining the freedom of its citizens and shrinking the "narrow corridor.”