- shortly after ww1 basic view of success shifted from character ethic to personality ethic. success became more a function of personality-public image.
- how can we remember our own ignorance which our growth requires when we are using our knowledge all the time. interdependence is a far more mature concept than independence.
private victory
- be proactive
- responsability - response, ability - the ability to choose your response. highly proactive people dont blame situations. reactive people affected by their physical environement.
- viktor frankl suggests 3 central values in life - the experiental, the creative, the attudinal. the highest one is attudinal, what matters most is how we respond what we experience in life.
- circle of influence, circle of concern. happiness like unhappiness is a proactive choice.
- the problems fall into 3 categories - direct control, indirect control, no control.
- begin with the end in mind
- all things created twice. mental or first creation. physical or second creation. many of us find it more difficult to tap into our right brain capacity.
- security your sense of worth. guidance your source of direction in life. wisdom your perspective on life. power is the capacity to act. together they create noble personality.
- put first things first
- you cant become principle centered without first being aware-developing your own proactive nature. management is different from leadership. leadership is right brain more of an art.
- yıu simply cant think efficiency with people. you think effectiveness with people and efficiency with things.
- trust is the highest form of human motivation. it brings our the very best in people - it takes time and patience.