He didn’t understand the most critical, complicated resource in an organization—the employees.
Flexibility and the ability to interpret other people’s needs is what characterizes a good communicator.
A child mimics what he sees around him, the parent of the same sex often becoming the model for imitation.
core values + attitudes = core behavior, real me. how i act in complete freedom.
About 80 percent of all people have a combination of two colors that dominate their behavior.
Entirely Green behavior, or Green in combination with one other color, is the most common. the least is red.
green, the average of all the other colors.
Red means fast; Blue means high quality in implementation. Many truly successful people in society are often better listeners than the general average.
English contains about one hundred and seventy thousand words, of which five thousand are used regularly. In comparison, according to certain scholars, body language contains almost seven hundred thousand signals.
The majority of the population has Green as its dominant quality. This is the main reason why we can’t accept change with open arms. Everything new is evil, and it should be strongly discouraged. Both Blues and Reds are task oriented.
Blue/Red, Red/Yellow, Yellow/Green, or Green/Blue. dominance is about acting, and inspiration is about interacting.